Individual, couples, family, and telephone sessions

Sessions are 50 minutes. Longer sessions may be available and will be prorated on the same hourly basis

Fees are paid at the end of each treatment session by cash

Telephone consultations are prepaid or by arrangement


$120 per individual (individual, couples, family, and telephone sessions)

Reduced Fees for Low Income Clients

Reduced fees (sliding scale) may be considered for students, low income clients and fixed income retirees, placing sessions at $90 per hour.

Insurance and Payment

Individuals who have private extended medical coverage, which covers a clinical counsellor, usually submit their receipts to the private insurer for reimbursement. If you have been a victim of crime in B.C. you may qualify for treatment funding through the provincial government’s Crime Victim Assistance Program (CVAP). If you were a victim of crime in some other province, you must contact the appropriate agency in that other province to see if funding is available for treatment in B.C.

Some clients may be covered on EAP plans. Fees for psychological services are also deductible as a medical expense on your income tax return.

*Note: A 24 hours notice is required for cancellation of an appointment.


Confidentiality Policy

Your name and information about you and your counselling will be kept
confidential, however, there are exceptions to this confidentiality, as follows:

a) If we believe that a child, elderly person, or disabled person is being abused.

b) If a patient threatens serious bodily harm to him or herself.

c) If a patient threatens serious bodily harm to another.

d) In some legal proceedings, upon a court order, testimony and/or records may be rendered.

e) If legal actions are brought against us by the patient and/or family, information may be disclosed if necessary and relevant to the case

Psychological Assessment

The assessments are not used to diagnose any mental disorder, but to see whether or not the client’s answers on the assessment forms falls into clinical range, for further decision on treatment plan.

Working with Minors

Clients under 18 years of age who are not emancipated from their parents should be aware that the law allows parents or legal guardians to examine their clinical records.