Frequently Asked Questions

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) is a form of psychotherapy and a philosophy of living created by Albert Ellis in the 1950’s. It is the pioneering form of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). REBT (pronounced R.E.B.T.) is based on the premise that whenever we become upset, it is not the events taking place in our lives that upset us; it is the beliefs that we hold that cause us to become depressed, anxious, enraged, etc. The idea that our beliefs upset us was first articulated by Epictetus around 2,000 years ago: “Men are disturbed not by events,but by the views which they take of them.”

REBT recommends a range of 8 to 12 therapy session for a significant benefit. However, the length of treatment will depend on the severity of symptoms and the number of conditions being treated.

I do not treat children. The youngest clients I see are 11 years old. I see adolescents, adults and elderlies.

Yes, I do accept ICBC cases.

Yes, I do. I am a registered counsellor with the Crime Assistance Program.

The Crime Victims Assistance Program is administered by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General of BC. Under this program, victims injured as a result of certain crimes, immediate family members of an injured or deceased victim and some witnesses may be eligible for financial assistance and benefits, including counselling services.

I accept payment by cash, or credit card/visa card.

Please visit our Fees page for details on pricing. I also offer slider fees for students or low-income families which can be discussed in person or by contacting me directly.

Appointments are available Monday-Friday starting at 10:00am and the last appointment time is 6:00pm.

Please contact me directly at 778-238-4731 to arrange an appointment.